Thursday, December 26, 2013

Social Media MasterPiece - The Mind Subway Review

We found a great photo the other day from fundersandfounders on stumbleupon that we just couldn't wait to share. It's titled TheMindSubway. It goes through a serious of the right "thought process" to have when becoming an entrepreneur, but we think it illustrates much more than that giving away great life principles to start applying in life right now as we transition into 2014. You can't achieve your goals thinking, living and being like everyone else.
If you can change your thinking you'll change your actions, if you change your actions you'll change your habits, if you change your habits you'll change your future, and if you change your future you'll change your destiny!

How awesome is it to know we have control of our destiny! 

Enjoy the Holidays! 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

How many websites are currently being indexed on the World Wide Web?

Here's a list on the most recent index list by Google and Bing.

Google shows they index approximately 19 billion websites as of December 20, 2013. Bing shows they index approximately 11.8 billion websites.

There is over 2 trillion websites online so make sure you listed in there search index by either personally implementing your own social media marketing techniques and SEO or by outsourcing to social media marketing firms.

Using Social Media Marketing Firms for establishing a social media business online is not the future its right now! We're here so you don't get left behind...

SocialMedia MasterPiece